If you are having problems receiving mail, you may be having a problem with the domain's disk quota. You can correct this by removing files from your web space, deleting emails, or increasing disk space.
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If you are having problems receiving mail, you may be having a problem with the domain's disk quota. You can correct this by removing files from your web space, deleting emails, or increasing disk space.
To create an email account, login to your control panel and click Mail, then Add/Remove Email...
You can log into webmail by going to: http://www.yourdomain.com/webmail or...
If you can receive mail but aren't able to send this means one thing: Usually when a user...
There is a 250 hourly email limit per domain this limit is also applied towards mailman. If you...
For both incoming and outgoing mail server, useĀ mail.yourdomain.com.
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